From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Saturday, October 07, 2006 7:06 AM PT
To: United States Justice Department
rest;; Roger W. Robinson; Mary Valder - Trilateral Commission; Eliot Spitzer - Attorney General of New York State ; Mossad; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC];
Subject: FW: Take down DAAC
Importance: High


Attention: Attorney General of the United States of America


It is now 6:42 AM PT and dawn is fully underway here in Del Mar, California, the largest full moon I have ever seen hovering right in front of the right oversized window, its bright reflective sunlight continuing to reflect off the almost perfectly still Pacific Ocean, a slight breeze just picking up beginning to distorts things but only just a little, now the large and full Monterey Pine covering a small fraction of the left oversized window and the top portion of the far left smaller open window, its leaves bristling.


The sky is now very pink and the moon doesn’t appear to have budged.


Now as I watch on in amazement knowing how fortunate we all are including those that don’t have all their senses given how extraordinarily unstable is the world which on top of the fact that Knowledge-information-light is traveling at Light-G-D-Speed time you would think for everyone to take a break and think how very easy it would be for “their” [sic] to be world peace this very day and for those who profit from war and yes there are many there is still enough to go around for them to be taken care of should they feel a “handout” is necessary.


The fact that Israeli Intelligence never took my advice when attempting to get me to finish off my “education” in Israel while I was still living in South Africa under the very dark cloud of the South African Apartheid Regime very much under the “command and control” of the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel does not mean that they wont given how Israel is currently experiencing its greatest divide perhaps even greater than when the one tribe which we refer to as the “Lost Tribe” got “wiped out”.


So why doesn’t Israeli Special Forces in a very public display simply sink a supertanker containing precious Saudi oil knowing that it is the criminals of criminals who have been making the laws for the past 100+ years, such a loud message to our Arab tyrants that they will no longer be provided “free passage” to hook their masses on nonsense about Jews being the evil incarnate and to end such evil it must result in the annihilation of non-fanatical State of Israel not all that catastrophic?


It is 7:02 AM and a  long stream of pink and grey clouds has formed below the moon that remains still lit but starting to fade as the ocean takes on a teal green color.


To be continued…


[Word count 427]


From: Devin Standard - email:
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2006 3:16 PM
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: Take down DAAC
Importance: High




By the way, did you hear about Apollo Diamond, and another company called Gemesis.

Using nanotechnology to rearrange carbon atoms, these companies have been able to create flawless diamonds, at no major cost.

Of course, the $7 billion diamond industry is furious. The make-up of these “nano-diamonds,” is no different than the diamonds companies like DeBeers extracts from the mines of South Africa.

The “real” diamond companies have even gone so far as to lobby the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to prevent these nanotech companies from labeling their diamonds as “real.”

This could be how to take down the DAAC.

Devin S. Standard
Director of Marketing, Municipal
Hach Company
5600 Lindbergh Dr
Loveland, Colorado 80539

Tel: (970) 669 1377 x2527
Cel: (970) 443 2769


From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2006 8:49 AM PT
To: Devin Standard
Cc: rest; Marie Dion Gevisser;; Dr. John Ben Stewart MD - aka The Sperm Donor; George Hurst Esq. - Lawyer-liar for Dr. John Ben Stewart aka Sperm Donor; Tefo; Mossad
Subject: RE: ...JUST APON A SMILE...---...BBC NEWS Americas Mummified dogs uncovered in Peru


Now that’s good stuff.


Let me know your thoughts on what I am about to send Ron Metzger